Most people will tell you that a salad isn’t complete without feta cheese. This delicious dairy product is a fantastic addition to several meals. Most people who love feta cheese prefer to buy it in bulk, but they might fear whether feta cheese goes bad.
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Does Feta Cheese Go Bad?
Unfortunately, feta cheese goes bad, just like other kinds of cheese. Feta cheese tends to dry out as it goes bad. You might find that your feta cheese is hard and tasteless after some time in the fridge. It is best not to eat it since it won’t be pleasant to eat anyway.
Feta cheese can easily mold, too, since it is a kind of cheese. People often extend the shelflife of other cheeses by scraping the mold off, but this isn’t recommended with feta cheese.
If you have an open container of feta cheese in your fridge that has dried out, smells unpleasant, shows signs of mold, or has changed color, it is best not to consume it.
How Long Does Feta Cheese Last?
Feta cheese is packaged in different ways, and this affects how long it will last. Crumbled feta cheese tends to last up to the expiry date stated on the label if it is left unopened.
However, as soon as you open your crumbled feta cheese, it will last only about five days if kept in the fridge. If you buy your feta cheese in a wrapped block form, it will last about a month if left unopened. Once you open it, you have about a week to consume it. Feta cheese in brine lasts the most extended period.
If your brined feta cheese is left unopened, it can last up to six months. However, as soon as you open your brined feta cheese, its shelf life reduces to about a month. These dates are all assuming you store your feta cheese in the fridge.
It is not advised to keep your feta cheese in the pantry as it will shorten the shelf life of your feta cheese immensely while encouraging it to grow harmful bacteria. Therefore you should refrigerate your unopened and opened feta cheese.
How Long Does Feta Cheese Last? |
Pantry | Refrigerator | Freezer | |
Crumpled feta cheese | 6 hours | 1 week | 3 months |
Opened crumbled feta cheese | 4 hours | 5 days | 2 months |
Block of feta cheese | 12 hours | 1 month | 6 months |
Opened block of feta cheese | 8 hours | 1 week | 5 months |
Brined feta cheese | 2 days | 6 months | 1 year |
Opened brined feta cheese | 1 day | 1 month | 6 months |
3 Tips to Tell if Your Feta Cheese Has Gone Bad
You must know how to tell if feta cheese has gone bad because it can be harmful to eat feta cheese that has gone past its shelf life. Consuming any cheese that has gone bad can be dangerous and should be avoided. Here are a few tips that can help you tell if your feta cheese has passed its best date of consumption.
Examining your feta cheese
The best way to know if your feta cheese is still safe for consumption is to look at it closely. Feta cheese that has been contaminated by mold should never be eaten.
Additionally, if your feta cheese has changed color and is no longer white, you should throw it out. Finally, feta cheese that appears gritty and grainy is no longer fresh and fit for consumption.
Smelling your feta cheese
Feta cheese that has gone past its best date for consumption has an unpleasant odor. If your feta cheese smells sour, vinegary, or rotten, you should not eat it.
Touching your feta cheese
Feta cheese dries out as time passes. Therefore if your feta cheese is hard or rubbery, it is no longer fit for consumption.
If you accidentally ate a piece of feta cheese that tastes sour with a peppery aftertaste, it is no longer fresh. Feta cheese should never taste sour with a peppery aftertaste, so if your feta cheese tastes that way, you should avoid eating the rest.
3 Tips to Store Feta Cheese
It is disappointing to find your feta cheese has gone rancid if you planned to use it in a dish. Therefore, it is helpful to know ways to store your feta cheese to last longer.
Storing your feta cheese in a brine solution
Storing your feta in brine will prolong the shelf life of the feta cheese impressively. Therefore it is recommended to keep your feta cheese in brine if it isn’t brined feta cheese.
In addition, you can place your crumbled feta and feta blocks in brine to not only prolong their date of use but also to prevent it from drying out. To make brine for storing your feta cheese, take a clean, airtight container. Then add as many cups of water as you need to submerge the feta cheese.
Next, add one teaspoon of kosher salt for each cup of water that you are using. Stir until the kosher salt has dissolved. Then you can place your crumbled feta or feta blocks into the brine and seal the container. It can now last up to a month in the fridge.
After you have used the feta cheese and you bought new feta cheese, throw out the old brine and make a new batch for the fresh cheese.
Storing your feta cheese in olive oil
Not everyone enjoys the salty flavor of brine. Another option for storing your feta cheese is using olive oil.
To reserve your feta cheese in olive oil, take a clean, airtight container and fill it with olive oil until there is enough oil for your feta cheese to be submerged. Then cut your feta into small pieces with a sharp knife or a cheese slicer.
If you are using crumbled feta cheese, you don’t need to cut it. Now you can place your feta into the olive oil. You can increase the flavor of your feta cheese by adding herbs like tarragon, coriander, rosemary, and peppercorns.
You can also add chili if you enjoy a bit of spice. For best results, it is recommended that you use high-quality organic olive oil. It would be best if you kept this in the fridge.
Storing your feta cheese in a milk bath
A milk bath is another option for people who don’t enjoy a salty brine flavor. To do this, you can take an airtight container and fill it with enough milk to cover your feta cheese.
Then add one teaspoon of kosher salt for each cup of milk used. Stir until the salt has dissolved, and then submerge your feta cheese. Using a milk bath makes your feta cheese creamier, but it requires more routine checking.
Check your milk bath every two days to ensure it is still fresh. If you feel that your milk bath tastes too salty for your preference, remove it and make a new milk bath with less salt. It is crucial to keep your feta cheese in a milk bath in the refrigerator.
The Risk of Consuming Feta Cheese That Has Gone Bad
Like all other cheeses, it is dangerous to consume after it has gone bad. Cheese can grow bacteria that are harmful to people, and eating feta cheese after its best consumption date can lead to immense health risks.
In addition, feta cheese that has gone bad can contain Listeria, which is highly harmful to pregnant women. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women never consume feta cheese because it can cause unnecessary risks for the fetus.
Consuming feta cheese that is no longer fresh can also lead to medical complications. Feta cheese that has gone bad might contain high levels of tyramine that can affect any medications that you might be taking.
As a rule of thumb, it is best to avoid feta cheese that seems to no longer be fresh. If you have eaten feta cheese that has gone off by accident, don’t panic. Most people don’t have severe reactions after eating small amounts of rotten cheese. However, don’t continue eating feta cheese if you suspect it isn’t fresh anymore.
Can You Freeze Feta Cheese?
Yes, feta cheese freezes well, and you can prolong your feta cheese’s consumption date by freezing it. However, it can be complicated to freeze your feta depending on how you store it.
If you plan to freeze your feta cheese, it is best not to use a milk bath or olive oil method for storage. Instead, place your feta cheese in an airtight container or ziplock bag and put it in your freezer.
Your feta will easily last up to a month frozen this way. Then, if you are ready to use your feta cheese, you can remove it from the freezer and then put it in a brine, milk bath, or olive oil for storing in the refrigerator.
However, if you purchased your feta in brine and want to freeze it unopened, it is advised to do so without opening it. It will last up to six months in the freezer.
Your salads and meals will stand out with a bit of feta cheese to add that fantastic creaminess. It is an excellent addition to any kitchen. Knowing and understanding how feta cheese goes bad makes it easy to avoid it and make your feta cheese last longer.
- Does Feta Cheese Go Bad?
- Does Feta Cheese Go Bad? [Ultimate Guide 2023]
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- Can Feta Cheese Go Bad?